
This field is required.

HTTP Request

This field is required.
This URL will be called using the HTTP method defined when the webhook is called. Jinja2 template processing is supported with the same context as the request body.
This field is required.
This field is required.
The complete list of official content types is available here.
User-supplied HTTP headers to be sent with the request in addition to the HTTP content type. Headers should be defined in the format Name: Value. Jinja2 template processing is supported with the same context as the request body (below).
Jinja2 template for a custom request body. If blank, a JSON object representing the change will be included. Available context data includes: event, model, timestamp, username, request_id, and data.
When provided, the request will include a X-Hook-Signature header containing a HMAC hex digest of the payload body using the secret as the key. The secret is not transmitted in the request.


Enable SSL certificate verification. Disable with caution!
The specific CA certificate file to use for SSL verification. Leave blank to use the system defaults.