admin.logentry |
logentry |
auth.permission |
Authentication and Authorization | permission | |
Authentication and Authorization | group |
contenttypes.contenttype |
Content Types | content type |
sessions.session |
Sessions | session |
social_django.association |
Python Social Auth | association |
social_django.code |
Python Social Auth | code |
social_django.nonce |
Python Social Auth | nonce |
social_django.usersocialauth |
Python Social Auth | user social auth |
social_django.partial |
Python Social Auth | partial |
taggit.tag |
Taggit | tag |
taggit.taggeditem |
Taggit | tagged item |
core.datasource |
Core | data source |
core.datafile |
Core | data file |
core.autosyncrecord |
Core | auto sync record |
core.managedfile |
Core | managed file |
core.job |
Core | job |
account.usertoken |
Account | token |
circuits.circuit |
Circuits | circuit |
circuits.circuittermination |
Circuits | circuit termination |
circuits.circuittype |
Circuits | circuit type |
circuits.provider |
Circuits | provider |
circuits.providernetwork |
Circuits | provider network |
circuits.provideraccount |
Circuits | provider account |
dcim.cable |
DCIM | cable |
dcim.cablepath |
DCIM | cable path |
dcim.consoleport |
DCIM | console port |
dcim.consoleporttemplate |
DCIM | console port template |
dcim.consoleserverport |
DCIM | console server port |
dcim.consoleserverporttemplate |
DCIM | console server port template |
dcim.device |
DCIM | device |
dcim.devicebay |
DCIM | device bay |
dcim.devicebaytemplate |
DCIM | device bay template |
dcim.devicerole |
DCIM | device role |
dcim.devicetype |
DCIM | device type |
dcim.frontport |
DCIM | front port |
dcim.frontporttemplate |
DCIM | front port template |
dcim.interface |
DCIM | interface |
dcim.interfacetemplate |
DCIM | interface template |
dcim.inventoryitem |
DCIM | inventory item |
dcim.location |
DCIM | location |
dcim.manufacturer |
DCIM | manufacturer |
dcim.platform |
DCIM | platform |
dcim.powerfeed |
DCIM | power feed |
dcim.poweroutlet |
DCIM | power outlet |
dcim.poweroutlettemplate |
DCIM | power outlet template |
dcim.powerpanel |
DCIM | power panel |
dcim.powerport |
DCIM | power port |
dcim.powerporttemplate |
DCIM | power port template |
dcim.rack |
DCIM | rack |
dcim.rackreservation |
DCIM | rack reservation |
dcim.rackrole |
DCIM | rack role |
dcim.rearport |
DCIM | rear port |
dcim.rearporttemplate |
DCIM | rear port template |
dcim.region |
DCIM | region | |
DCIM | site |
dcim.sitegroup |
DCIM | site group |
dcim.virtualchassis |
DCIM | virtual chassis |
dcim.moduletype |
DCIM | module type |
dcim.modulebay |
DCIM | module bay |
dcim.module |
DCIM | module |
dcim.modulebaytemplate |
DCIM | module bay template |
dcim.inventoryitemrole |
DCIM | inventory item role |
dcim.inventoryitemtemplate |
DCIM | inventory item template |
dcim.cabletermination |
DCIM | cable termination |
dcim.virtualdevicecontext |
DCIM | virtual device context |
ipam.aggregate |
IPAM | aggregate |
ipam.ipaddress |
IPAM | IP address |
ipam.prefix |
IPAM | prefix |
ipam.rir |
ipam.role |
IPAM | role |
ipam.routetarget |
IPAM | route target |
ipam.vrf |
ipam.vlangroup |
IPAM | VLAN group |
ipam.vlan |
ipam.service |
IPAM | service |
ipam.iprange |
IPAM | IP range |
ipam.fhrpgroup |
IPAM | FHRP group |
ipam.fhrpgroupassignment |
IPAM | FHRP group assignment |
ipam.asn |
ipam.servicetemplate |
IPAM | service template |
ipam.asnrange |
IPAM | ASN range |
extras.script |
Extras | script |
extras.configcontext |
Extras | config context |
extras.tag |
Extras | tag |
extras.webhook |
Extras | webhook |
extras.taggeditem |
Extras | tagged item |
extras.journalentry |
Extras | journal entry |
extras.imageattachment |
Extras | image attachment |
extras.exporttemplate |
Extras | export template |
extras.customlink |
Extras | custom link |
extras.customfield |
Extras | custom field |
extras.savedfilter |
Extras | saved filter |
extras.cachedvalue |
Extras | cached value |
extras.branch |
Extras | branch |
extras.stagedchange |
Extras | staged change |
extras.configtemplate |
Extras | config template |
extras.dashboard |
Extras | dashboard |
extras.scriptmodule |
Extras | script module |
extras.bookmark |
Extras | bookmark |
extras.customfieldchoiceset |
Extras | custom field choice set |
tenancy.tenantgroup |
Tenancy | tenant group |
tenancy.tenant |
Tenancy | tenant |
tenancy.contactrole |
Tenancy | contact role |
tenancy.contactgroup |
Tenancy | contact group | |
Tenancy | contact |
tenancy.contactassignment |
Tenancy | contact assignment |
users.userconfig |
Users | user preferences |
users.token |
Users | token |
users.objectpermission |
Users | permission |
virtualization.cluster |
Virtualization | cluster |
virtualization.clustergroup |
Virtualization | cluster group |
virtualization.clustertype |
Virtualization | cluster type |
virtualization.virtualmachine |
Virtualization | virtual machine |
virtualization.vminterface |
Virtualization | interface |
wireless.wirelesslangroup |
Wireless | wireless LAN group |
wireless.wirelesslan |
Wireless | wireless LAN |
wireless.wirelesslink |
Wireless | wireless link |
django_rq.queue |
Django_Rq | queue |
extras.eventrule |
Extras | event rule |
virtualization.virtualdisk |
Virtualization | virtual disk |
vpn.ikeproposal |
VPN | IKE proposal |
vpn.ikepolicy |
VPN | IKE policy |
vpn.ipsecproposal |
VPN | IPSec proposal |
vpn.ipsecpolicy |
VPN | IPSec policy |
vpn.ipsecprofile |
VPN | IPSec profile |
vpn.tunnelgroup |
VPN | tunnel group |
vpn.tunnel |
VPN | tunnel |
vpn.tunneltermination |
VPN | tunnel termination |
core.configrevision |
Core | config revision |
vpn.l2vpn |
vpn.l2vpntermination |
VPN | L2VPN termination | |
Users | group |
users.user |
Users | user |
core.objecttype |
Core | object type |
netbox_topology_views.roleimage |
Topology views | role image |
netbox_topology_views.coordinategroup |
Topology views | coordinate group |
netbox_topology_views.coordinate |
Topology views | coordinate |
netbox_topology_views.circuitcoordinate |
Topology views | circuit coordinate |
netbox_topology_views.powerpanelcoordinate |
Topology views | power panel coordinate |
netbox_topology_views.powerfeedcoordinate |
Topology views | power feed coordinate |
netbox_topology_views.individualoptions |
Topology views | individual options |
db.testmodel |
Db | test model |
circuits.circuitgroup |
Circuits | circuit group |
circuits.circuitgroupassignment |
Circuits | Circuit group assignment |
dcim.racktype |
DCIM | rack type |
extras.notification |
Extras | notification |
extras.notificationgroup |
Extras | notification group |
extras.subscription |
Extras | subscription |
core.objectchange |
Core | object change |